New Covid-19 Procedures for reopening

Social Distancing
Upon opening, staff will organize the mat into clearly marked, 6-foot spaces so each student will have the opportunity to practice in their own space.
Staff will also mark the Lobby door as an ENTRANCE ONLY and marked the other door as an EXIT ONLY to reduce congestion in the school.
Staff has re-organized parts of the student curriculum to limit contact and instead focus on movement and technique.
The toys from the smaller room will be temporarily removed for your child's safety.
Live classes will continue to be available through Zoom for those students that do not feel comfortable returning to a group environment.
Hygiene Practices:
Staff will ask all members to submit to a temperature scan before entering the lobby
All members must wash their hands or use the hand sanitizer before starting class and afterwards.
Mask must be worn in all our adult classes.
We do require all visitors, family members and students to use these stations upon entering and exiting the building.
We also ask after each class; students clean their uniform before attending their next class.
Staff will disinfect all items that can be touched by hands after each class including shared gear.
New Schedule
As of June 1, 2020 we will implement a NEW schedule that will increase the number of classes available each day. This change allows us to disperse the student population between a larger number of classes and increase time between each class so we may more thoroughly sanitize the studio throughout the day.
In order to accommodate these changes, all Kid's classes will be taught in 30 minutes and all Adult classes will be taught in 45 minutes.
All members must book their class on the Zen Planner app in advance since the class size will be limited.
There will be a special waiver and questionnaire that will need to be signed when booking your class on the Zen Planner app every time.
Waiting for the next class must remain outside or in your car. We want the lobby to be clear for new memberships and pro shop sales.
We will also be adding morning classes for the children's classes as well as adding additional evening classes for adult classes. The summer schedule will be posted on our website this week at
We will be limiting the amount of participants per class this will allow us maintain social distancing guidelines.
We will have front door drop off and pick up for the kids classes and ask the parents to please wait in the car or come back at the end of class.