Staying Safe While Keeping Fit
This pandemic has everyone freaked out, and rightfully so. Here we were thinking we had surmounted the final wave and the variant has caused yet another tsunami. The question remains, is it safe to attend your usual places for fitness training? While there are no mandates in place as there were last year, we need to be diligent and well informed. Clearly, there is no one right answer. Just as people have differing opinions about masking, the choice is a personal one.
As a martial arts school owner this is particularly tricky because you have to honor each students decision. All we can do is disinfect the school at an extreme level of detail, take temperatures, request sanitizing upon entry and test results from those who were exposed. Fortunately, we have trust with our students so we remain open but we are certainly not thriving. It’s quite understandable.
From a broader perspective, there are many factors to consider. It makes sense to optimize our health as a preventative measure. Considering that, fitness activities should definitely be maintained. The alternative is to stay at home, in front of the computer and slowly gain weight and/or debilitate emotionally.
Why not try an at home Zoom session? Perhaps switch to outdoor walking or bike riding, assuming the weather supports it. But even that has risks. What to do?
Remember, being stagnant makes it is easy to become depressed during this difficult time. Physical activity secretes endorphins that keep ones emotional state elevated. For kids, the isolation from school and other social activities have definitely made a psychological impact. Returning to activities where they can meet their old friends supports good mental health and fun.
Common sense and consideration for one another dictates that we should wear masks and sanitize whether vaccinated or not until Covid is under better control. We are playing with many unknowns, so it’s best to play it safe. With children back in school we need to take extra care to monitor potential symptoms and outbreaks as the requirements differ from County to County.
For many of us, all this chaos has created greater introspection. Posing the question; What is truly important? We can all agree that without good health all other factors in your life are diminished. The great job, family or home become paltry in the face of illness. So, take good care of it by continuing your fitness routines however, when ever and where ever you can.
We continue to be offer our Krav Maga, MuayThai, Kickboxing, Tae Kwan Do, Kung fu and Aikido with minimal attendance but we carry on. We are staying strong and safe. We want you to as well.
