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Healthy Back To School Snacks

It’s that time of year again… crunch time! Everyone is attempting to get into a routine for August and that includes getting organized with back to school snacks. It’s easier during the summertime to whip up something when you need it, but a bit more thought needs to go into packing healthy snacks for the school ground. Here are some store bought snacks that are healthy!

It is no wonder some mom's dread the end of summer. However, ensuring healthy school snacks doesn't have to be too mind numbing. There are both amazingly healthy packaged snacks as well as some homemade snack options.

Most schools are now nut free. I tried to keep these snack options nut free for any allergens. Just a quick tip: to make a recipe that uses peanut or almond butter, just use sunbutter! Sun butter is probably the best tasting and it’s nut free!


All fruits are great for snack time. If you feel like all your kids eat are bananas and apples, try introducing vitamin C-packed fresh strawberries and oranges to their diet. For a perfect snack when you're short on time.

Granola Cookies:

These granola cookies are a healthy and yummy snack kids can enjoy. These new hearty and wholesome cookies from your go-to granola maker will fulfill your sugar craving without all the sugar kids need to avoid.


The protein in this kid-friendly snack keeps energy levels high until dinnertime. We like to stick salt-free pretzel sticks into cubes of low-fat cheese to make "satellite snacks," but you can also make cheese more interesting to kids by cutting it into fun shapes with a cookie cutter and making kabobs with your favorite fruit.

Hummus and Veggies:

Traditional Hummus & Sea Salt Pita Chips is a delicious, and low calorie healthy snack that does not require any refrigeration. It is perfect for kids since it is a to go package. Enjoy it anytime, anywhere!


Even though water is the best refreshment, packin a juice box for lunch is also refreshing. Honest Kids has a variety of juices that don't have cane sugar or GMO'S.

Fruit & Trail Mix or Granola:

While you can easily make your own granola or trail mix, if you’re in a rush just throw the following into a container and call it trail mix:

Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds Shredded coconut Dried goji berries Dried blueberries Hemp hearts Quinoa flakes

Almonds Nut-Thins:

Nut-Thins can replace chips, they come in many different flavors and provide that crunch kids like. They are gluten-free delicious nut and rice crackers. They are free of sugar, cholesterol, saturated fat and trans-fat. They are healthy and delicious!

Apples & Sunbutter Celery Boats:

Just smear some sunbutter between two apple slices. You can add some granola and raisins for some extra crunch. Place the sliced together so it’s no sticky. Making an apple sandwich.

For celery, place some sunbutter down the middle and top with raisins. It’s yummy!

Food Pouches:

Another option is food pouches! They say for six months up but kids still love them. When you are in a rush it’s an easy go to. I prefer ones with a stabilizer in them (quinoa, yogurt etc.) versus straight veg/fruit but they have some awesome concoctions and they’re great in a pinch. My favorite brand is Love Child but work with what you can. Perfect when you want to turn your mind off.

We at Modern Martial Arts & Fitness lead by example. All of our staff live a very active and healthy lifestyle from the head instructor to receptionist. Each employee is either an instructor, a coach or a black belt. We all eat very healthy and reenforce that belief when we speak or teach our members. If you're looking to set your child or yourself on a healthy lifestyle you should sign up for a free class or training session. Your first session is always free of charge.

You can see our schedule online at

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